The City of Clinton Fire Marshal, Daniel Adams has been named the 2024 "Bruce Womack Fire Educator of the year". This award is named in honor of Lt. Bruce Womack, who is remembered for his leadership and dedication to fire prevention and the fire service. The award was presented to Fire Marshal Daniel Adams at the opening ceremonies of the Tennessee Fire Chief’s Association annual conference in Murfreesboro, TN. The Award was presented by Memphis Fire Department Education Specialist and Tennessee Public Fire Educator’s Association President, Kimberly Strong and Morristown Deputy Fire Marshal Tim Carpenter. Fire Marshal Adams has implemented and oversees the Clinton Fire Department's fire prevention and community risk reduction programs under the direction of Chief Jeff Little and with the unwavering support of the City administration and City Council.
Kimberly Strong – TPFEA President, Clinton Fire Department Fire Marshal Daniel Adams, and Commissioner Carter Lawrence – Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance and the State Fire Marshal.

Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee

Hotel and Vacation Rental Fire Safety
Stay in hotels and motels that have hard-wired smoke alarms and an automatic fire sprinkler system in each guest room.
Count the number of doors between your room and the exits. This will help if you need to get out in the dark.

Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee

Hotel and Vacation Rental Fire Safety
Did you know:
Each year, there are an estimated 3,900 hotel and motel fires that cause 15 deaths, 100 injuries and $100 million in property losses. Cooking is the leading cause of hotel and motel fires.
Fire safety is important, even when you are away from home.

The City of Clinton is hiring for Firefighters. Click the link below to apply!

The next City Council Meeting will be June 24, 2024 5:30 PM at Clinton City Hall 100 N Bowling St Clinton, TN 37716.
Agenda - https://5il.co/24p4w

Sprinklers can limit the damage caused by smoke and fire and are less damaging than water damage caused by firefighting hose lines.
Can blend with your home decor
You can buy home fire sprinklers in different colors. Some can be installed flush with the ceiling, so you will hardly notice they are there.
Safer fire service
The risk to firefighters is much less. Sprinklers reduce the heat, flame and smoke from a fire.

Sprinklers can limit the damage caused by smoke and fire and are less damaging than water damage caused by firefighting hose lines.
Can blend with your home decor
You can buy home fire sprinklers in different colors. Some can be installed flush with the ceiling, so you will hardly notice they are there.
Lower insurance
Installing a sprinkler system has the potential to lower insurance rates by 5-15% by meeting code requirements.

Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee

The Clinton Fire Department responded to a garbage truck that had something "off gassing" from inside the compactor. Hazmat technicians with the department suited up and identified the household chemicals that had mixed as the trash was being compacted. Emergency crews were able to mitigate the situation and neutralize the chemicals. An environmental restoration contractor gathered the material and properly disposed of it with no environmental impact. No citizens were displaced and the released materials were contained to the area in the roadway around the truck. The Clinton Firefighters were assisted by the Clinton Police Department, Anderson County EMA,TEMA as well as a hazmat crew from Y-12 Fire Department.
The Clinton Fire Department would like to remind the public to properly dispose of all chemicals, and not add them to ordinary garbage in your trash can. Household chemicals have potential to become hazardous if mixed with other substances. Guidance can be found online for proper disposal of unused chemicals.

The City of Clinton is hiring:
Dispatcher - $16.36 - $19.00 / Hour Full Time
P.O.S.T Cert. Police Officers- $19.00 - $21.00 / Hour Full Time
Lifeguard - $15.00 / Hour Part Time
Click the link below to apply!

Cooking is, by far, the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries.
Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so that no one can bump them or pull them over.
Keep a pan lid or baking sheet nearby. Use it to cover the pan if it catches on fire. This will put out the fire.

The City of Clinton Fire Department was honored to host the blessing of the now open "Baby box". As the fire department has been a beacon of hope for our community for many years, the newly installed Baby box will stand as a beacon of hope to a mother who may feel like they are out of options. This Baby box offers the mother a guilt free, question free option to ensure their child can be safe and cared for. The City of Clinton is truly grateful to the many community partners that made this project a reality for our community. Please help us share this information to ensure that everyone knows of this life saving option for a new mother that may be overwhelmed with her situation.

Cooking is, by far, the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries.
Stand by your pan. If you leave the kitchen, turn the burner off.
Watch what you are cooking. Fires start when the heat is too high. If you see any smoke or the grease starts to boil, turn the burner off.

Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee

The next City Council Meeting will be April 22, 2024 5:30 PM at Clinton City Hall 100 N Bowling St Clinton, TN 37716.

Fire Alarm Tips
Make sure your smoke alarms work. Your family is not safe if they can't hear the smoke alarms.
When you hear a smoke alarm, you may have less than 2 minutes to get everyone outside and safe.

Fire Alarm Tips
Test smoke alarms every month and replace 9-volt smoke alarm batteries at least once every year.
Put smoke alarms inside and outside each bedroom and sleeping area. Put alarms on every level of the home.

Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee