Police update on Johnny, the 5-County Walk Duck. Inquiring minds want to know!! Separted from June for some weeks now, the Anderson County Sheriff's Office TN, has turned Johnny over to the Clinton Police Department again, for further questioning on some outstanding charges!! Will Johnny ever get out of this mess? If you would like to support the City of Clinton Fire Dept in their efforts to support Local Tenessee Families living with Alzheimer’s disease, you can donate through the QR Code directly. Together We can Make Alzheimer’s a Memory! Thank you! 💜🧡 You can also join the City of Clinton Walk Team at: https://support.alztennessee.org/site/TRR/1048779978 #alztnkeepsitlocal #alztn5countywalk2024 #alztennessee
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
The Clinton Fire Department reminds you to change your smoke alarm batteries. If you have the long life batteries, we remind you to check them as well. If you do not have working smoke alarms, we will gladly install them for you. Working smoke alarms save lives!!!!!
about 1 year ago, Daniel Adams
The next City Council Meeting will be March 25, 2024 5:30 PM at Clinton City Hall 100 N Bowling St Clinton, TN 37716.
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
3/25/24 meeting
Fire moves fast. Plan ahead to save lives. Watch to see how quickly fire and toxic smoke can spread through your home leaving you with three minutes or less to escape. There won't be time to plan a way out in the moment. Don't wait, plan ahead.
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Don't wait. Plan ahead
Did you know that closing a door before you sleep can save lives? Closing your bedroom door can help stop the spread of fire, keep the temperature closer to 100 degrees instead of 1000 and lower carbon monoxide levels. Find out more by visiting: Closeyourdoor.org. #CloseBeforeYouDoze
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Close before you doze
Smoke Alarms - Tips Choose interconnected smoke alarms so that when one sounds, they all sound. Smoke alarms do not last forever. Get new smoke alarms every 10 years. When you hear a smoke alarm, you may have less than 2 minutes to get everyone outside and safe.
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Replace your alarms after 10 years
Did you know that closing a door before you sleep can save lives? Closing your bedroom door can help stop the spread of fire, keep the temperature closer to 100 degrees instead of 1000 and lower carbon monoxide levels. Find out more by visiting: Closeyourdoor.org. #CloseBeforeYouDoze
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Closed door slows fire
Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
Employee of the Quarter
The next City Council Meeting will be February 26, 2024 5:30 PM at Clinton City Hall 100 N Bowling St Clinton, TN 37716.
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
2/26/24 meeting
Start the year by creating and practicing your home fire escape plan to keep you and your loved ones safe. Choose an outside meeting place in front of your home where firefighters can easily see you. #FireEscapePlan
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
choose a meeting place outside where firefighters can see you
Make sure doors and windows are not blocked by furniture so you can escape if you have a fire. Start the year by creating and practicing your home fire escape plan to keep you and your loved ones safe. #FireEscapePlan
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Don't block doors or windows
Public Hearing Clinton City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Feb. 26, 2024 at 5:30pm to hear Ord. No. 683 – amending Ord. No. 680, “Zoning Code of the City of Clinton, Tennessee. The public is invited to attend and will be heard. Regina Ridenour, Clinton City Recorder
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
City Counvil Meeting 2/26/24
Know how to escape from your dorm room or off-campus home. Start the year by creating and practicing your home fire escape plan to keep you and your loved ones safe. #FireEscapePlan
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Campus Fire Safety
Make sure everyone in your home knows how to dial 911 or your local emergency number. Fire is fast. Plan ahead to save lives. Start the year by creating and practicing your home fire escape plan to keep you and your loved ones safe. #FireEscapePlan
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Make sure everyone knows how to dial 911
ATTENTION: The MLK Prayer Breakfast schedule for tomorrow has been postponed due to the inclement weather. If you know of anyone who was planning on attending, please let them know. We apologize for the last minute cancellation but are looking at dates in February to move it to.
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
MLK JR Breakfast
Start the year by creating and practicing your home fire escape plan to keep you and your loved ones safe. #FireEscapePlan
about 1 year ago, Clinton Fire Dept
Make a fire plan
Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
Employee of the Quarter
Notice, that Clinton City Council will meet, until further notice, in regular meetings at 5:30pm on the 4th Monday, each month. A copy of the agenda can be found on the City’s website at least 24 hours in advance. 2024 Meeting dates listed here : https://clintontn.net/council
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
Public Notice
The next City Council Meeting will be January 22, 2024 5:30 PM at Clinton City Hall 100 N Bowling St Clinton, TN 37716.
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
1/22/24 Meeting
The next City Council Meeting will be July 22, 2024 5:30 PM at Clinton City Hall 100 N Bowling St Clinton, TN 37716.
about 1 year ago, City of Clinton
7/22/24 Meeting