Animal Control Officer
Email Cecil Narramore
Animal Control
Supervisor: Lt. Brandon Floyd
Officer: Cecil Narramore
Phone: (865) 457-3112
Office Hours 8am - 4pm, Monday - Friday
The Clinton Animal Control Officer's duties include:
Apprehension of at-large animals
Field patrol
Cruelty investigation
Citizen complaint investigation
Enforcement (notices, court action, etc.)
Public Education
For dead animals in the street or on sidewalks call
Clinton Public Works at 457-6495. To report a problem with
a wild animal or bird,.. contact TWRA at 800 332-0900.
For TWRA Nuisance Wildlife Damage Control call (800) 332-0900
The following are consider Nuisance Wildlife: Beaver, Skunk, Minks, Moles, Squirrels, Reptiles, Muskrat, Voles, Groundhogs, Raccoons, Rabbits, Coyotes, Fox, Bobcats, Weasels, Opossums, Snakes and other rodents.
For any unwanted animals please take them to the Anderson County Animal Shelter (865) 441-2068
For Animal Control outside Clinton City Limits contact the following agencies:
Anderson County: 441-2068
City of Oak Ridge: 425-0794
Oliver Springs: 435-7274
Oak Ridge Animal Shelter: 425-0794
Anderson County Animal Shelter: 441-2068