Tennessee's "Hands Free Law"
This law requires drivers to put down their phones and focus on the road.
In a recent year, there were over 24,600 crashes involving a distracted driver in Tennessee. On average, that is sixty-seven crashes every single day. A recent study listed Tennessee as
having the highest rate of distracted driving deaths in the nation,.. nearly five times the national average. Your phone can wait.. your
safety can’t.
WHAT IS the Tennessee Hands Free Law?
PC0412 makes it illegal for a driver to:
Hold a cellphone or mobile device with any part of their body.
Write, send, or read any text-based communication.
Reach for a cellphone or mobile device in a manner that requires the driver to no longer be in a seated driving position or properly restrained by a seat belt.
Watch a video or movie on a cellphone or mobile device.
Record or broadcast video on a cellphone or mobile device.
For more information about Tennessee’s HANDS FREE LAW visit