Based on 2010 Census data, 93% of Tennessee is rural. Roads in rural areas can be especially dangerous due to the lack of streetlights and other safety features, and may have unique hazards that drivers will have to look out for. #SlowDownTN Read more:
3 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Extra Caution
No parent or caregiver thinks this can happen to them, but dozens of children are forgotten in backseats each year. A reminder could save a life! #CheckTheBackseat Learn more:
3 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Look before you lock
There’s just no safe way to check notifications when you’re driving. Keep your focus on the road — distractions are dangerous, even when there are no other vehicles around you. #HandsFreeTN Learn more:
3 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Distracted Driving
Please join us in supporting Grant Gouldie and his family during this most trying time of their lives. Grant was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and has endured 10 weeks of intense treatments. He has recently found out the treatments were ineffective allowing the tumor to grow and the cancer to spread. Grant and his family need our help now more than ever! Grant is a graduate of Anderson County High School and is currently employed with the Tennessee Highway Patrol. Grant has also worked for Oak Ridge Police Department and Clinton Police Department. Grant truly has a servants heart and loves serving his community. We are asking the awesome citizens of the great city we serve to join us in supporting Grant and his family! If you feel led to help, you can donate via the QR code listed on the flyer attached to this post. Thank you! #ServiceBeforeSelf
3 months ago, Clinton Police Department
Gouldie Flyer
Chief Campbell & Grant
Did you know? Rear end collisions are the number one cause of farm vehicle crashes. It takes less than 10 seconds for a car traveling 55 mph to close the gap on a slow-moving vehicle. When you spot flashing lights or the orange slow-moving vehicle sign, slow down immediately and increase following distance. #ShareTheRoad
3 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Slow Down Tennessee
Mixing low speeds and high speeds in the same roadway is a recipe for serious crashes. Except in the rare event of an emergency, interstate highways are only for motor vehicles.
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
 interstate highways are only for motor vehicles
Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter.
4 months ago, City of Clinton
Employee of the Quarter
A pet roaming around a moving vehicle can be distracting, and putting themselves and you in danger. To travel safely this summer with your pets, put them in the backseat or cargo area with a crash-tested harness, or a sturdy, well-ventilated crate. You buckle up for safety, so make sure your pets are also secure for the trip!
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Buckle Up Pets
Tennessee law requires drivers to give 3 feet of space when passing people walking or biking. If 3 feet isn’t possible, change lanes or slow down and be prepared to stop until you can pass safely. #ShareTheRoad Read more:
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
3 feet of space
Here's a message worth repeating: Seat belts save lives! 🚗 Wearing a seat belt every trip, every time is the easiest way to prevent injury or death in the event of a crash. Need more reasons to buckle up? Visit
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Buckle Up
Modern life schedules can be dizzying, 😵‍💫 but safety can’t be rushed! When you’re behind the wheel, always obey speed limits. Speeding Catches Up With You.
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Going Fast puts lives on the line
From 2022-2023, 1 out of 18 crashes on Tennessee roadways involved a distracted driver. Phone use remains one of the top causes. But here's the good news: it's totally preventable! 📵 Set your GPS beforehand and activate 'Do Not Disturb' mode to keep your eyes where they belong and ensure a safer journey. Learn more:
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Distracted Driving
Almost one third of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers. Keep Tennessee’s roadways sober this summer with a designated driver and a commitment to safety! #DriveSober Read more:
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Booze it & Lose It
☀️ Heat and alcohol don’t mix! Dehydration from summer heat lowers the body’s alcohol tolerance, meaning impairment happens sooner. Don't risk it – always opt for a sober ride. #DriveSober Read more:
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Drink water & Drive Sober
Summer festivities planned? Make sure your plans include a sober ride home. 🚗 Designate a driver before the fireworks start. 🎆 Read more:
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Summer Nights Need Sober Drivers
If you choose to drink, you may not be able to make clear choices afterwards. Set plans ahead of time with a responsible designated driver, use public transportation, or schedule rideshare services to ensure you and others arrive home safely. Read more:
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Drink or Drive Never Both
Trying to navigate a crowded parking lot after watching some #4thOfJuly fireworks can be hectic and often dangerous. Take it slow and leave room for other motorists and pedestrians. Let’s work together so we can all get home safely after the celebrations end!
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Take It Slow
6. This Fourth of July, make sure you celebrate the red, white, and blue with a sober ride home. Remember: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving.
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
A car getting pulled over by a police officer while a man lights drug paraphernalia.
5. Celebrate America, celebrate each other — never let a friend drive drunk. Take away the keys 🔑, call a cab 🚕, or let them stay at your place 🛏️. Spread the word: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving.
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Man upset in the driver’s seat with police lights flashing behind, implying that he got pulled over.
When you #DriveSober, you save lives. Read more:
4 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
We Drive Sober