Spring is here and that means people of all ages will be out walking. If you see a child walking near the road or in a parking lot, don’t assume they can see you right away. Be aware of your surroundings and always be ready to brake for someone’s safety! Read more: tntrafficsafety.org/bike-ped
7 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
: Be Aware, Be Alert (Kids Crossing)
Always have a game plan with a sober designated driver if you’re drinking. #MarchMadness fans don’t let fans drive drunk! Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/drunk-driving
7 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
 Game Plan (March Madness) — Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk
Safe drivers stay in bounds, and they help their teammates do the same. Fans don’t let fans drive drunk. Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/drunk-driving
7 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Stay In Bounds — Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk
Time for a tire checkup! After weeks of winter weather, worn treads can cause a loss of traction, increasing your chances of sliding. If the tread is fine, make sure the tires are properly inflated. Learn more: nhtsa.gov/tires
7 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Be Prepared
First Day of Spring Spring is here, and that means more people on the road! Practice driving defensively by looking out for other drivers and hazards ahead, and SLOW DOWN! Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/speeding
7 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Slow Down
Residential streets, near parks and playgrounds, and school zones are just a few of the places where motorists share the road with people walking or bicycling. Read more: tntrafficsafety.org/bike-ped
7 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Pedestrian Crashes
St. Patrick’s Day Don’t rely on the luck o’ the Irish to get you home if you’re celebrating #StPatricksDay! Coordinate your #DesignatedDriver if you know you’ll be drinking today, or any day at all! 🍀
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
“Live To Irish”
In 2022, 7,537 motor vehicle crashes in Tennessee involved an impaired driver. Every DUI crash can be prevented! This #StPaddysWeekend, find a sober ride if you choose to celebrate.
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
#SpringBreak safety tips: 🏖️ Avoid driving impaired 🏖️ Buckle up (every trip, every time!) 🏖️ Avoid distractions 🏖️ Slow down
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Spring Break
Has a City Employee gone above and beyond their duties? Submit them for the Employee of the Quarter. www.clintontn.net/employee
8 months ago, City of Clinton
Employee of the Quarter
Fatigue can have a costly effect on your health and quality of life, but did you know it can also affect your safety? Getting behind the wheel tired can have dangerous and deadly effects. Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/drowsy-driving
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Sleep deprived is no way to drive. Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/drowsy
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Sleep First, Drive Alert
Police update on Johnny, the 5-County Walk Duck. Inquiring minds want to know!! Separted from June for some weeks now, the Anderson County Sheriff's Office TN, has turned Johnny over to the Clinton Police Department again, for further questioning on some outstanding charges!! Will Johnny ever get out of this mess? If you would like to support the City of Clinton Police Dept in their efforts to support Local Tenessee Families living with Alzheimer’s disease, you can donate through the QR Code directly. Together We can Make Alzheimer’s a Memory! Thank you! 💜🧡 You can also join the City of Clinton Walk Team at: https://support.alztennessee.org/site/TRR/1048779978 #alztnkeepsitlocal #alztn5countywalk2024 #alztennessee
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Fire Dontate 01
Police Dontate 01
Fire Dontate 02
WIth Police Chief
Johnny being Questioned
Your eyes can play tricks on you, especially at night. If you’re traveling in low light, turn on your headlights well before sunset, and keep your mind sharp and ready for the road by taking breaks as often as you need to. #DrowsyDriving Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/drowsy
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Night Driving
Sleep Awareness Week (Mar. 10-16) Everyone gets tired, which means anyone is at risk for driving drowsy. The only way to completely avoid drowsy driving is to prioritize sleep! Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/drowsy
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Prevent drowsy driving
Daylight Saving Time The spring transition to daylight savings time is often associated with sleep deprivation and tiredness, which in turn can lead to getting behind the wheel tired. Put sleep first to put safety first! Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/drowsy
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
 Spring Forward
Daylight Saving Time is around the corner, meaning longer days ahead! As you enjoy evening strolls in the approaching spring weather, prioritize safety in low light. Boost visibility by carrying a flashlight and wearing reflective gear. Stick to designated crossings and walk facing traffic on unlit roads. Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/bike-ped
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
 Be Safe, Be Seen
The City of Clinton is now hiring Part-time E911 Dispatcher. Apply at http://www.clintontn.net/jobs
8 months ago, City of Clinton
Now Hiring
Driving a few miles over the speed limit might not feel like a big deal, but in a collision with a pedestrian, it can be the difference between life and death. Your vehicle can’t brake instantly, so slow down and watch for pedestrians! Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/bike-ped
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
 Pedestrian Fatalities
Tennessee law requires drivers to give 3 feet of space when passing people walking or biking. If 3 feet isn’t possible, change lanes or slow down and be prepared to stop until you can pass safely. #ShareTheRoad Learn more: tntrafficsafety.org/bike-ped
8 months ago, Clinton Police Dept
Share The Road — 3 Feet